Posted By: DocSniper Ok, Back to Business - Mon 29 Dec 2008 05:31:PM
Friday I receive the outcome of my 12th of Dec date in court.

There is NO mention of me in this outcome and the said child still is not with the mother as full custody. Her parents still do, They DOCS state she is a unwilling parent. Okies, I am Willing, Why am I not in this Outcome?.
Seems and I could be wrong yet again, she may still have feelings for me. And this is what is stopping her gaining that full I believe it to be.

They still think they are going to get away with what they have done, What frking retards. They know there is a class action coming,yet still abuse me.

Then today, I get a letter from, my 1st that gave me 2 kids.
it dont make any logics to why.Not a government letter,or from lawyers,seem to have 2-3 photos in it. i didnt open it, ripped it up and thu it in the bin. lol, even if i wanted to read it now,its all soaking wet from the rain and gone.

then I have to look at these events, and think, why,now?.after what just happened to me.
Why the contact?.
well, i have to see if anymore letters come.
as for the last,mmmmm, why is she still having feelings?. and not just stop, to obtain that full custody. or As WJ" once said.DOCS knows this and the child is still in concern.
Ya, the child is in concern of the Abuse handed down to him by DOCS.
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