Posted By: Webmaster Health plan - Thu 04 Jul 2002 03:34:PM
A wealthy benefactor was visiting the local hospital. During her tour of floors she passed a room where a male patient was masturbating.<br />"Oh my GOD!" said the lady. "That's disgraceful. Why is he doing that?"<br />The doctor that was leading the tour explained, "I am sorry, but this man has a very serious condition where the prostate rapidly fills with semen.<br />If he doesn't do that five times a day, it will explode and he will die within minutes. "Oh, that's terrible," said the lady.<br />In the very next room they could see that a female nurse was performing oral sex on a different male patient. OH my GOD!" said the lady, "How can<br />that be justified?" The doctor replied, "Same illness, better health plan."
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