Most people realize that mighty warriors such as Conan the Barbarian and Achilles were fictional characters from the ancient past. There’s no historical evidence to support the existence of these two mighty heroes. However, their tales of battle, conquests, and exploits are inspiring and amazing to legions of fans.

So, if Conan and Achilles met each other in a fight to the death, who would win? Would it be the brute force tactics of Conan and his broad sword? Would the supreme speed and agility of Achilles win out as we wields his Xiphos sword and shield? Keep reading so you can find out who would be victorious in this epic match-up between two of the greatest warriors in all of fantasy.


The great Greek poet Homer told the world about Achilles who was considered the greatest warrior in all of human history. Homer first introduced Achilles through the tale of the Trojan War from his Iliad. Achilles was no mere mortal but a demigod. His mother was a nymph named Thetis and his father was King Peleus of the fantastical race of the Myrmidons. Achilles skill on the battlefield and his knowledge of war made him one of the greatest combatants in the ancient world. He led the mighty Myrmidons a fierce race of Greek warriors who were created from ants by Zeus.

Conan the Barbarian lived during the era of Hyboria. This was a fantastical epoch of time that occurred after the fall of Atlantis up until the modern era of history. Conan is a Cimmerian and this particular race of people are great warriors and hunters. Conan uses his massive strength and outstanding battle tactics to defeat human foes and to slay creatures from other worlds. Conan was a warrior, thief, pirate and he eventually became a king.

The Arena

If Conan and Achilles went to war with each other the battle would take place on an open plane. It’d be a desert like environment with lots of sharp and jagged rocks. The terrain would be uneven and have small spiky plants spread out over the area. In other words, it’d be one rugged and rough place that would be the perfect venue for these combatants and their skills.

Statistics for Both Fighters


  • Height: 5' 9”*
  • Weight: 185 lbs*
  • Reach: 67-inches
  • Weapons: Xiphos bronze Sword and Myrmidon shield. The Xiphos sword and the Hoplite sword were common blades during the era of Homer. Achilles more than likely used a version of the Xiphos sword. This was a double edged blade that was about 2' long.

* Ancient Greek men were not that big. Brad Pitt's version of Achilles would be bigger than most ancient Greek men. The average height of an ancient Greek male was about 5' 6” and they weighed about 130 lbs.

Special Skills:

  • Air Glide
  • Supreme Agility
  • Master Sword Technique
  • Turtle Shield
  • Mega Javelin Throw
  • Special Weapons: Impregnable skin. Unless he is shot in the back of his foot and ankle. If Achilles is hit within his “achilles tendon” he will die.

Conan the Barbarian

  • Height: 7'*
  • Weight: 285 pounds*
  • Reach: 82-inches
  • Weapons: Large broad sword. In the Conan movies featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger it was made by master sword smith Jody Samson. This sword was large, long and heavy. It was designed to fit Conan's hard hitting style of combat. However, this sword was not commonly used in real history. Very few men could effectively wield such a sword in real life combat situations.

* Robert Ervin Howard made Conan this size when he created him in 1932.

Special Skills:
  • Power Slash
  • Massive Grab
  • Brute Force Tactics
  • Mighty Hit
  • Bone Breaking Blows
  • Special Weapons: Conan's height and massive strength made his a deadly opponent to tangle with. He’s big, strong, and has some agility to move around in the arena. Most opponents who are caught in Conan's grasp usually die
The Main Event

The fight would begin with both opponents facing each other assessing their skills and weaknesses. Conan would grow impatient and charge the smaller warrior Achilles. However, Conan's massive size wouldn’t even phase the demigod. Achilles would simply outmaneuver the charging giant and slash at him toward a vital area of his body.

Once again Conan is big but he can move well for a big guy. He’d side step Achilles attack then assault Achilles with a fury of power slashes and brute force tactics. Achilles would then use his shield and his impregnable skin to thwart Conan's force. Then he’d counter with air gliding moves. Conan would be on the defense and somehow manage to grab and throw Achilles before he is fatally struck

At this point Conan and Achilles would exchange blows and fight back and forth across the field of war. Their swords will clash. Achilles shield would rattle and both heroes would be locked in a massive struggle to finish each other off. Then, in a bold move Conan would use his massive strength to break through Achilles defenses and deliver a bone breaking blow to his arm. The demigod would not be slain but his shield arm would be dislocated. That would not stop him though.

Acting on instinct, Achilles would use his sword as a javelin and hurl it into a startled Conan. His xiphos blade would drive deeply into the leg, injuring the massive Cimmerian. Conan would have a hard tie standing. At this point both of the heroes would simply look at each other and realize that neither warrior was as strong as the other. They’d leave one another on the field of battle and schedule rematch for another time. Neither Conan nor Achilles would be the victor simply because they’re two great warriors who each are master warlords in their own realms of fantasy.

Source: Sword Battle: Conan The Barbarian vs. Achilles The Destroyer
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