So, you’ve accumulated a nice collection of rare or
valuable swords?
Congratulations. Collecting
swords is an immensely rewarding hobby.
But, as you know, swords take up a decent amount of space, and thus
require thoughtful storage.

Every sword collector realizes at one point or another
that they can’t just store their swords like they store their other
possessions. You can’t pile them up
under the bed or leave them in a box in the basement, because swords require
special care due to their materials.

Sword Storage is Key

Today, we’ll talk about the proper methods for storing
your valuable swords so that they can maintain excellent condition for a long
time to come.

#1: On Display or Tucked Away?
Your Call

The sword collector must make a choice: whether to
display their swords proudly, or hide them in a safe and secure manner. Both options have their advantages, and it
comes down to personal preference as one is not objectively better than the
other. Displaying your swords allows you
to show them off to your friends, and also allows you to see them in all of
their glory at any time. But, storing
them in a safe or another secure area of the home can help calm any anxiety that
they may one day be stolen from you.

This is the first choice you must make, so choose
wisely. Weigh the pros and cons and
follow your instincts.

#2: Rust Prevention is Key

Of course, the blades of swords can rust if they’re
not properly cared for. Ask any sword
collector what they do to keep rust away and they’ll tell you that they use a
specialized wax or oil. It’s basically
essential that you do this, because otherwise, rust is basically a
guarantee. Luckily, you can find
specialized wax and oil products made just for swords, which are uniquely
effective at keeping rust away.

#3: Cloth and Swords Don’t Get Along

It may seem like wrapping your swords in cloth is an
obvious choice. After all, cloth
protects a lot of materials, and since swords are sharp, cloth may keep you
safe as well. But, as it turns out, this
is just about the worst thing that you could do. Cloth traps moisture, and moisture is the
enemy of metal as it leads to rust. It
can even damage leather and wood.
Instead of using cloth, use oils and waxes as explained above, and use
wax or oil made for leather or wood as well depending on the other materials
from which your sword was made.

#4: Maintain a Dry Environment

Another form of moisture that can degrade your swords
is humidity, which is why you need to put thought into which area of your house
you’re going to be storing them.
Obviously, basements and bathrooms are a bad idea, since these areas are
the most prone to moisture. A dry area
is essential, and if you must, place a dehumidifier in the area to be extra
sure that your swords are in the right climate at all times.

#5: Do Regular Checkups

Once your swords are stored, you’ll need to check up
on them regularly. Most sword owners do
this once a month. During this checkup,
you’ll want to carefully look over each part of the sword to see if the
material is in good shape. During this
time, you can decide whether or not you need to apply a fresh layer of oil or

#6: Avoid the Temptation to Keep Touching Them

Remember that handling your sword exposes the
materials to corrosive acids on your hands that can degrade the metal and many
other materials used on swords including leather. Therefore, you must actively resist the
temptation to handle your swords as much as possible. We know that as the owner of such beautiful
pieces, you want to enjoy touching them, but restraint is key if you want to
keep them in the proper shape.

A Properly Stored Sword is a Better Looking One Long-term

Your collection of valuable swords is only as good as
the means by which you store them. As
you can see, swords are uniquely prone to issues that can decrease their worth
and their aesthetic value. Proper
storage is crucial and following these tips will keep them looking and feeling
their best.

Source: How and Where to Properly Store Your Most Valuable Swords
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