Posted By: Osiris A History of Hoax - Sat 16 Jan 2010 06:27:PM
hey despues de vagar por la red llegue a una pagina con un contenido curioso ¿Puede ser que todo lo que somos, nuestro origen, sea una mentira? Juzgen ustedes mismos (no supe donde poner este tema, si no es la seccion correcta mil disculpas)

hey After wandering through the network reaches a page with a curious content Could it be that all we are, our origin is a lie? Judge for yourself (do not know where to put this topic, if not apologize right section)

Posted By: Alisa Re: A History of Hoax - Tue 19 Jan 2010 03:18:PM
Thanks for this link Osiris. It was so interesting to explore. I watched the videos, which were in English. It is amazing how many believable ex-military people have "come out" to tell of the governments' knowledge and interaction with ETs. Too many for it not to be real. Bless them for speaking out.

I also found the graphic of all the early humans and how they so vastly differ as if they are all different in origin and not a linear progression to humans as we are now. It is indeed very curious!

The more I investigate and learn, the more sure I am that history isn't even close to what I have been taught and told in school.
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