Supply and demand....that's all it is guys<br /><br />For example :<br />When thieves pinch a plasma TV and approaches you to buy it ....if you say yes ....he will do it again and again....if we all say NO !! then these thieves are out of business.<br /><br />PAY TV : All the people (demand ) who accept and pay these thieves to install pirate pay TV, you are guilty as the thieves (supply).<br /><br />I agree with MIXO, if the prices for ALL pay TV was fair and reasonable then people who can not afford to pay outrageous prices will be willing to pay rather than steal.<br /><br />Back in the TARBS era there were many families of many nationalities that I heard of and knew of who cancelled their subscription to TARBS and paid thieves to connected free Pay TV.<br /><br />It is in the nature of the human species to look for a bargain and cheapest prices.<br /><br />UBI or any other pay TV provider are NOT a charity organisation, they need to make a profit to survive, but at the same token they need to treat customers with respect and fair manner.<br /><br />"treat a dog with love and respect and he will be loyal to you for LIFE... mistreat the dog and soon he will bite "