Life if stiff the good always get affected by the bad<br />1/ My first car at 18 years old was a V8 with 300HP<br />Today in most states a young person under 25 now cannot buy a V8 or a Turbo car, young f.uckwits doing the wrong thing affect the others doing the right thing.<br />2/ Years ago you never locked your house and you didn't need a burgular alarm<br />Today you need to lock your house and you need a burgular alarm. Why? wits took care of that.<br />3 I should have a right to leave my car unlocked.<br />No you can't as you car might be stolen, Why? more F.uckwits<br /><br />What I'm trying to get at is the wrong are affecting the right, the good guys in everything we do today.<br />4/ Now we have UBI and its locked boxes. UBI unlocked them, people modded them, Pirates in Melbourne sold modded boxes by the train load, everyone laughing how easy it is to chip a TARBS<br />box and get all channels for nothing but now UBI are fighting back and like the above the Honest with a legal privately owned box is getting shut down.<br />But don't get me wrong I still believe each box should be unlocked ONCE,ONCE,ONCE,ONCE and if its locked again and you ring UBI and they check your box id and they see it was unlocked last week BAD LUCK!! UBI have other more inportant things to do than to TURN THE SAME BOX ON 6 TIMES in the last two weeks..<br />If you want more examples of the good affected by the bad look no further than whats happening in NEW ORLEANS today. Sick Bastards.