Yes other forums for that stuff!<br /><br />See Back in the Old days Most hackers did it for fun, It actually cost you more money per year than if you subscribed to a service like Foxtel and Austar.<br />These sellers F...ED it for all, the Pay TV Companies put up with the hackers like above who did it for fun and most of the time they didn't watch it. BUT THEN CAME THE SELLERS!! yes selling cards by the shoe box full. They would target Existing Foxtel, Austar houses, they would tell them to ring the Pay TV company, Ask to be put on the basic package, and their new pirate card in the Fox box gave them everything including the special events. Actually it was quite odd whole suburbs that Had Fox or Austar rang their provider just for the basic package, bit suss!!.<br />Now most hackers on most forums HATED SELLERS so what most forums did is they had a Post where if you got your hands on one of these Hacked sellers cards you would read it yourself and on the forum you would put the Provider ID XX XX XX and the Hex Serial number XX XX XX and because all knew that foxtel was reading the forums within hours this card would be dead. Now because They made hundred of clones from the original card the hundred would all die altogether and you the Buyer of that card would be chasing the prick that sold it to you for around $400.<br />Now you ask whose card did they clone?? Easy,,, Mr Joe has a Electrician or Builder doing work in your house, while nobody is looking the Card was pulled out of the box, the Person working there had a Notebook computer with an external Card reader and within One minute he Extracts the Pro id, Hex ser number, and the Hex Masterkey, bingo you can make 1000, 10,000 clones and as long as these poor People still are paying the 1000, 10,000 cards stay alive.<br />In the last twelve months TARBS was screwed, Now it will be WMI and TV plus's turn, yes I can tell you they are already or will be whingeing to the federal police, the federal police will get court orders to tap the sellers phone, but most of the sellers are a little smarter than that, and they never discuss this shit over the Phone or over the Internet and this is why when it involves the Ethnic population its a bit different as they Keep their mouths shut and only look after their families.<br />Mind you the above was before the Dreambox was invented.<br />Again sellers you have F...ED peoples hobbies for you pathetic greed and its not the average poor person doing this, its sometims and most times the wealthy smart kids that's got a good education.<br />For all sellers out there I put a curse on you.