Originally Posted by ARABIC PACK
Hello guys,
I'm back from the suspension from liski and the other member of the forum because i was talking the truth about the ubi world TV so they've decide to suspend me for that and because i was a very angry at the time that I've wrote the message.

Do you think guys i was wrong because i was talking about the soccer right on the ubi TV?
Guess what this game will be broadcast it on 5 or 6 channel and as far as i know it will be broadcast it on Dubai sport and ALFORAT TV on free TV on D2 Satellite.

But i just want to tell all the people that ubi is bullshitter's on the Iraqi community in australia and all this is a lies that come from ubi staff. Liski i want to know why didn't you block the Iraqi games before and even the qualifies with Pakistan and other 2 games, why didn't you block them and i recommend to put a notice on the website that ubi will not broadcast any game and all the sport channel are full of bullshit and for the new subscriber(Iraqi's) tell them that we don't broadcast any game so that they know that this company is not your home for sport channel that's simple.

THANKS xxBOSxx for bringing this topic again...

You were suspended because you abused me and nothing more. .PLEASE ALL READ.