Parental separation became a 5 second issue with my case... Didn't last long at all.

When this crap first began, I wasn't even home. Took me 3 days to find out why the children had not been returned to me... DoCS declared that after the initial event, I had not left the house.

I'm like WTF?!

Now, if I had a partner who was most definitely attacking and abusing my child - then yes, it would be my complete responsibility for remaining with the prick after the fact and I should wear what was coming to me from DoCS... I would deserve it and my children definitely need protection.

BUT... To have this same "rule" forced upon me when there was no undeniable proof that deliberate harm had been done to my child... It's barbaric.

Instead of viewing each family and each case individually... They tar every family with the same brush.

One rule for all - regardless.

DoCS are very good at starting a discussion with "In our experience...".

I shot them down in flames earlier this month... They began giving me that spiel and I said to the senior prac straight out that regardless of their "experience" they have no right to judge ME based on other families.