And its that negativity to why we have Innocents being found guilty only on words.
If other evidence as Facts to back up DOCS written words was in place then No issue.

But!, in most cases thats all they got, Is the written words.
Polygraph may not be 100% accurate but,its 100% better then DOCS can bring up.
And maybe some humans can fool the polygraph.
I know I cant.
But, if you did read to what I stated "The polygraph in conjunction with Human Behaver and Body language can deliver a better percentage of truth then the Fabrication from DOCS workers.".

Human behaver and body language is Admissible in a court of Law.
Along with other Assessments that Polygraph will Hold more water then what crap comes from the mouths of corruption.

You havent lost what I lost,your not screaming out in pain, your not seeking any way possible to prove your innocents and not break any laws.

I bloody do anything (not break the law) to prove who I am,My life is frk all, meaningless.
I want my Life back