Bail for man accused of 11yo's rape

An Adelaide man charged with raping an 11-year-old boy and taking photographs of the alleged assault has been granted bail in the Magistrates Court.

The man and an alleged accomplice have been charged with rape and producing child pornography.

The man, 42, who cannot be named, from Tranmere in Adelaide was arrested by police after a Queensland man went to police about the case.

It is alleged that, in June 2006, the two men lured the boy away from a city skate park in the early hours of the morning.

They are alleged to have sexually assaulted the boy and taken photographs of the attack.

The Adelaide man has been freed on bail, conditional on a midnight to dawn curfew and a ban on loitering around schools, public toilets or other places where children might be present.

The Adelaide man will return to court next month.

A 30-year-old man will face court next Friday after his extradition from Queensland.

By golly,this corruption travels but well.
Family SA, a worker(ill just give a 1st name) Karen quoted in saying, that she believed I was the man responsible for those action stated by the reporter.
Yet here is the man on bail and the other soon to be there.

All im saying if karen quoted in saying that, then its only logical she voiced that opinion to other Docs workers and maybe even entered information relating to that crime by fabricating info to my files. like that Terrorist they added to me.

also, lest here, It shows they do get it right, by the same means they get it wrong. this fell into their laps and the police did the Job correctly, DOCS didnt.