I have a court order, That States:

The Chief Executive is authorised to require the following person to answer to the best of the persons knowledge, Information or belief, Questions put by a employee of the department Authorised by the minister to exercise the power to question in relation to My Name.

A: The Commissioner, South Australia Police
B: The Commissioner, Queensland Police
C: Chief executive officer, Child protection service Queensland

So, I try, I ring lawyers after lawyers after lawyers.Quoting the Above Statement.
Either I got, We dont do legal aid, we dont do pro bono. you need at lest $2000 in a trust account before we even look at you. Havnt we dealt with you before and told you not to ring here again. dont call us,we call you.
Is someone out there getting the Picture?. to what I am really saying ?. I Get No Help From Nobody In This City I live in.

So, this morning I ring the mundingburra police station and told of the court order and the people I was told to see.
The Rag that was responding to me. Had no Idea to what I was asking and explaining from the documents of the court order.
I said to her, at the end of the day. if you dont do your job and inform these people. Then when I see the Judge I will outline your refusal to comprehend to the request of the said order.
It is not I that is a retard you are. this rag, got hostile and told me to shut up, I started to curse her and told the rag, you know who I am, who pricks know where I live, come frking visit me. and do the work correctly and I hang up the ph.

Then Im told to hang in there, Be strong, dont give up.
your not in my stinking frking shoes, your not feeling this pains the way I am. your not getting rejected and refused any form of help as I am.
Your not living in a man made prison, No one understands, this loneliness, Im the one that each day has to look at this empty dead house and see the memories float by of a family that was.
For frk sake I still have in box's baby items that I and the last partner obtain, I have a room that was being built just for the baby.
I see two woman and three children as ghosts in front of my eyes.
Be strong??. when I am crumbling everyday. when I see nothing that will get me out of this pit.
only thing I have left of any value. Is me. and its the inner me that is dieing each day, slowly.
Just one true friend, that has not left my side, Only one soul that is next to me yearning for the same thing. JUSTICE.