Well, boys and girls.
Seems the festive season was Jolly for many, while others lived in pain.
WantsJustice: doenst want anything, and just rolled over Once this woman was loving and caring/giving, DOCS murdered that nature of her.and it was the end of me with her.
and stating this" but lie detector doesnt hold any value.... Pshycologists, say that someone who believes in themselves that much can pass the test without any problems. You can train your mind to believe" also stating." I'm suffering from,erotomania,paranoia,schizophrenia or manic depression ?. A lier or deceiver, or Does that mean WJ: trained herself to hate?.
Them are the same words the 06-07 X said and the 04-06, And now WJ: all three have stated the same....MMMMmmmm anyone see's a DOCS hand in this?.
Who twisted her that much?. Well it started with DOCs, theres no two ways about it. in 20 minutes, these scums,Played god, And just plainly Abuse every thing in sight.
I lose love, More important then any child. I lose the belief and support from a woman that was always there.
I'm sick of losing Love, And thats what those scummy parasites did in just 20 minutes.
Now WJ: is just damaged goods.

I spent most of the morning and afternoon running around with this legal crap.
People I havnt seen in ages, Now, Walk up to me and ask how things are. I meet some others abused victims here in townsville and she has no idea of how DOCS works, she is Fresh to all this and running around as I did 7 yrs ago. It was heart breaking to tell her, Sorry that not going to work, or forget those persons,EG: Jann Stacky: gee, any politicians, none will lift a finger, they just buck pass. She is aware of the Class action and I encouraged her to apply and to past it around.
We then talked about forming a group, cos as I said to her, One voice will never be heard, In numbers we will. So now, that could be a goer.

I got court for this trumpt up charge of trespassing on the 16th, been well over 14 weeks and not a word from a lawyer I think i got. left memos to ph me back, Doesnt.
I can see this going the wrong way. more so now, With WJ: hate.
This cover up by DOCs, will be uncovered, and that compensation that they hated so much to part with, will be my freedom to re build a life.