Wow LMK,
Sounds like the ole "Kansas City Shuffle" to me!!! I had no I idea that Australia had so many gaps in the system,or so many phasads to try & trap parents!!! I really feel for ya,I can't imagine feeling so betrayed when searching for guidence concerning my child.

I've read about posts on this site about a group called DOCS. I assume that's the acronym for Department Of Child Services, we don't have that exact group here in the states.What we have is CPS Child Protective Services,& it is nothing like that! AS a matter of fact, you'ed be lucky to get them out to a home if the child himself called reporting abuse!!!

Good for you for putting out a PSA for other parents! I hope you find the guidence you're looking for.Maybe if you tried calling a local counseling center,or theripist they would be able to direct you to a non-government based organization,that is more suited to guide & help parents instead of trying to trap them & tear them down during such a vulnerable time! It's worth a try.You'ed probably deal with people who are more geared towards healing the family unit,& supporting the parents,rather than one geared towards ripping it & you to shreds.

Best of luck to you, I'm sorry for you & your child. But keep your head up,press foward & don't give up! The help is out there somewhere,you'll find it. Bless you and yours.