To all<br />I have a great job now which I love its a new market, helping the over 50's, yes only over 50's to learn how to use the internet. This is something new. I visit people at their own homes and run special classes of at least ten pupils at the local libraries. I don't rush them, I don't treat them like doctors do ie your ten minutes is up (not my doctor he is an exception), I genuinely spend time with them and help them to use the internet correctly as most of their children are computer literate and their children live all around the world. They want to know how to send and receive emails, scan a photo, send a photo and I have even been asked can I remove the grey hair out of my photo before sending it??? Most of these oldies are very pleasant people, they can't wait to see me, they have a cup of tea waiting with a few scones. It is difficult to train people of this age (52 is my youngest, the eldest is 79), but I do have patience. I do set up their computers sometimes, "eg" slow the mouse pointer down because some of the people have stability problems with their hands. I have found that I do definitely get on better with elderly people than the younger generation that don't personally know me because I am getting sick and tired of the University know-alls that know fuck all!!! So if you know of any elderly people around Australia tell them not to despair with technology because help is out there and there are people like me willing to help them.<br /><br />Phil <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/default/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/default/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/default/grin.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ 01. October 2002, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: P Debono ]</small>