Peter<br />My answer "NO" reason If you go to their country regardless which Arabic country they have very stringent dress codes and see what happens if you break those laws. A close friend of mine worked in Kuwait (Electrician) during the rebuild after Suddam Insane flattened it he got in trouble with the locals and Law for wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt.....""""MY SAYING WHEN IN ROME DO WHAT THE ROMANS DO"""".<br />But in Australia they can do what they want Build these Ugly Mosque where they want,wear what they want ANYWHERE and then they claim Discrimation and Harassmemt.What a lot of shit!!!!<br />Before I Moved from Sydney 4 years ago I had to visit the Commonwealth Bank at St clair to do some Banking, and a friend of mine spotted me entering the Bank so he chucked a U-turn and Parked his Motorbike in front of the bank and he entered the bank wearing his helmet,,Within seconds the security grabbed him frisked him and he left the bank wondering what had happened, shit I got a Shock, BUT in the same bank 2 weeks later I was standing in the same queue and someone entered in the Bank with a Black whatever you call it Islamic outfit and the only part of the body you could see was the Eye's.<br />Other people in the Queue looked at this person but I left it and demanded to see the manager and I complained vigarously that My friend was evicted for wearing a helmet in the bank and you let this person which can not be identified stand in the queue,for "fuck sake",,, they would not comment nor they did.<br />You could hide 2 AK-47 under that outfit, so I told the Manager you discrimated a helmet wearing person who was only in the Bank under 30 seconds but this Black Dressed Ninja can stay like that untouched. this is sending a message, a wrong one to Bank Robbers.<br />Yes we should have a referendum and this should be one of the questions " Should they dress like any average Aussie in Public" the answer YES THEY SHOULD.What they do in their private home is their business but in the public eyes its in our interest that they should try to get used to the way of Australian way of life.<br />We are weak in this country look at Russia They are slowly Outlawing The Roman Catholic Religion, Russians are mostly 95% of them Russian Orthodox witch is very similiar to Roman Catholic religion but the Russian Government has Noticed that the Vatican is pushing the Catholic Religion in Russia,,,,NOT ON.<br />Now I dont mind if you Pray for as long as you want but in you own private residence.<br />The law should be If you migrate to this country you should be treated THE SAME AS IF YOU WENT TO THEIR COUNTRY no exceptions.After all you cant build a Catholic Church in Iraq or Iran or in most Arabic countries, shit you would be executed<br />Thumbs down <br /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" /> <br />Phil