Well I could not believe my sight when on the news in Brisbane there were over 100,000 people protesting over the possible war against Iraq.<br />THIS IS MY OPINION!!!<br />The US should get out of Iraq and tell Saddam to do what he wants, Also the US should get out off Korea, Taiwan and and other countries they are presently in. If the United Nations Refuses an attack on Iraq they also should Remove themselves from United Nations and go it alone.<br />Also they should tell all their Allies to go to hell, yes Australia too so that means Australia has to fend for itself.<br />What the Anti War protesters dont see but they tell you its a oil war! yes it is an oil war Now look at it my way<br />No US military in Kuwait Saddam says thankyou I will have that, Arrrrrrr Saudi Arabia might be next!! Hummmm Now he owns over 60% of the oil in the world. Do you think you will be paying 90 Cents per litre? more like $9 per litre yes its is an oil war now.<br />The US Military gets out of South Korea Arrrrrrh how long before the Communist in North Korea decide to get back into South Korea I will have that Please,,Hummmm Japan will be worried !! there are scores to be settled there.<br />The US military looks the other way from Taiwan and China says Huuummmmmm!!! I will have that thank you Taiwan is now a part of China.<br />Now poor Australia with our Pathetic Military and plenty of lawyers Hummmmm some of our Asian Neighbours with a MASSIVE Military Huge Population say Australia looks good I will have that, Australia will say STOP OR I WILL SUE YOU If you Invade us. we are in Panic the US says Sorry, then we all know what happens next.<br />What worries me is I cant find anyone that Voted John Howard in Power but we all know he won the last election.<br />And if Australia ever gets invaded I bet you, you will never find any of those 100,000 protesters at that rally, and also if the US would come into save us these same people would get in a queue to kiss United State's arse, look at the world's history we have always had at lease one Lunatic leader that wants to take over the world nothing has changed.<br />Wars are horrible But sometimes it is necessary to eradicate a tyrant before he gets too big for his shoes,,,,just imagine Saddam INSANE taking in his grasp Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea taking Over South Korea this would be the recipe for World War 3.<br />I get sick and tired to see women and Children in Marches Waving their Banners when most of them dont know what is really going on behind closed doors, Some of these Idiots need to be Educated what happenes in war, the Lawyers wont protect you! look what the Japanese, did to the Phillippino women in WW2 and the Russian Did to the German Women when Russia Entered Germany to end World War 2 over 100,000 Women got raped in Weeks in one City thats outrageous, wars are not pretty and we must never allow a lunatic regime to take a strangle hold on the world again.<br /><br />Phil