Posted By: Alisa Junkfood Science - Tue 14 Sep 2010 04:35:PM
I am really not into science these days. I'm faaar left (if that is an accurate way of putting it) where I dwell with the fairies as much as I can. I love spirit and to me, belief is everything and can move mountains, to say the least.

However, maybe the reason I have swung so far to the left is because "science" is so far right. But more likely it is because, like the world of spirit where there can be many agendas and people with egos pushing their own beliefs as the only truths, there is just as much psuedoscience going on in the realm of science, pushing their beliefs as truth and ignoring all contradicting studies and evidence. As usual, it is often about the bottom line - making money off the Sneetches without (and with) stars upon thars, and keeping everything status quo due to fear of change and not being seen as the all-knowing "authority". And I have come to lump all science together, the good and the pseudo, and I probably really shouldn't.

Anyway, I bring this up because I am fed up with fat bashing. I'm tired of the ideal someone initiated of skinny, flawless, eternally young people. And I'm angry that a vast majority of medical professionals and everyone else militantly insist that being overweight predisposes a person to early death and heart disease despite glaring evidence that this is not so. If you're sick of this crap, too, check out Junkfood Science on Blogspot. There are so many enlightening honest articles backed up by facts and sponsored by no one. As a suggestion, start with Obesity Paradox #1 (followed by "Obesity Paradox #2— How can it be a disease if it has health benefits?" - this goes all the way up to Obesity Paradox #17).

The bad thing is that being fat is far worse than being old or even dead in our society. It is a horrific message to be sending out to ourselves. Children as young as 8 are being treated for anorexia. People are willing to have surgery to attain perfection or betterment, even though there is the distinct possibility of dying in the operating theatre or from complications. And it happens.

I don't know. dontgetit I'd just like to see us begin to pull our focus away from superficiality and put it on each other's hearts and spirits. Because that is who we really are. This body is just a temporary skin suit. Love it, but don't make it the star of the show.

Here's a little story from my experience today that reflects my feelings...

I spoke to a man on the phone for about 20 minutes the other day regarding him buying one of my puppies. He was such a nice man. In the conversation he told me he was covered in tattoos and drove a motorcycle, and maybe some people would find it funny that he wanted a tiny dog like a chihuahua. I said, "No, there are plenty of gentle giants". He said, "But I'm only 5 feet tall and I weight under 50 kilos." I said, "Well I'm under 5 feet tall and I weigh well over 50 kilos!" We laughed, but when we finally met today when he came to get the puppy, it did take that minute for each of us to reconcile what we were seeing. I reckon he was under 5 feet tall, and I bet he was surprised to see that I was that fat. But after 10 minutes of chatting, our physical statures moved to the background where they belong and our souls enjoyed some good chatting and communing with the puppy.

Further, from the photos I had sent him, he had chosen the smallest puppy whom I named Jeffy. Jeffy has a large overbite that my dogs genetically carry and shows up in some of the puppies. It is cute in a way, and doesn't impair their eating, but it is also a flaw and does have a "look" about it. I pointed it out to him (and I dread doing that as I've had numerous buyers who changed their mind after noting the flaw). I could see he was a bit concerned though he said he was not. It took a while for him to accept this, or so I felt. But in the end he accepted it and was happy to take Jeffy.

Interestingly, in our conversation he told me several stories about his favourite dog he had owned that was a Rottweiler. And then at some point he happened to mention that the Rottweiler had an under-bite and a twisted lower jaw in which his tongue hung out the side. It couldn't be a show dog, but it won in dog trials for performance. So all along this guy was familiar with dogs with superficial flaws, but that made up for it in personality and love. I mean, what would a person rather have, a perfect-looking dog with an average personality, or a unique-looking dog with a fantastic personality?

Description: Jeffy on Right
Attached picture 4.jpg
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