Its a pity Ethnic pay tv has gone this way because back in the tarbs days all eggs were in one basket and we all payed only one sub but today there are to many companies and we only get a limited amount of channels. look what tarbs gave us, you subscribed to one package and most of the time we got the lot except for the movie network and disney channel but it was worth it but today all these new providers are giving us nothing for our money. Only UBI give you a full selection of other channels even if you don't want them.<br />All i can say is I hope UBI get a good balkans selection of channels and also the basic English channels back because we are sitting on the fence here as our family will not subscribe to tv plus. Personally I don't give a shit because I'm not a Macedonian but its for my wife but because its been so long since we had tarbs we don't miss it at all and will only subscribe when we are offered a good fair package like we had back in the tarbs days.