I don't mean to be annoying by agreeing yet again... but... grin

Great lyrics, great artist Lennon! Thanks for taking the time to type it in! music

I am also a firm believer in the knowledge that we create our own reality. I don't think this is a perfect world, but I do think that we are doing better every day. There are brilliant, wonderful people alive right now that are making the world a better place.

As another tie-in, I liked the prophecy of the eagle and the condor on the 2012 link you gave, where the eagle represents the modern technological world that has developed an intellect at the expense of the heart. And the condor which represents the indigenous people of the world living close to the land, with the heart and wisdom that come from being attuned to the natural world, but materially impoverished. And how they must fly together in balance and partnership.

And thanks for appreciating the dreams I share. Very validating for me. hug