Athens, Tuesday 18 September 2007

The Greek court today dismissed action by Comart/ERT and SelecTV against Mike Boulos , Regina Boulos and UBI World TV.

The court was critical of the action taken by Comart and its supporting parties citing that any purported action against the Chairman Mr. Mike Boulos was vague, any action brought against UBI World TV did not cause damage to Comart or ERT and Comart did not have such rights from ERT that would allow it to commence any action against UBI and that any action which having regard to the above against Regina Boulos cannot be an action pursued in Greece as she is an Australian citizen and the Greek Courts have no jurisdiction.

Mr. Boulos said today that what UBI World TV broadcasts on its Ethnic network is legal and within the scope of the law, he also said that he was delighted with the decision that exonerated UBI World TV himself and The CEO of UBI Mrs. Regina Boulos for the sake of all the Greek community who subscribe to UBI world TV great Greek package and those whom don’t subscribe as the Broadcast of ERT on the UBI World TV is a free broadcast to all Greeks in Australia and shortly in New Zealand and that such the broadcast of ERT on the UBI World TV platform does not cost ERT or the Greek government any money or creates any obligation upon them. All of which is within the guide line set by the honorable Kassimis during his visit to Australia in 2006 and published on the Greek foreign affairs website.
Mr. Boulos also said that he has been advised by the UBI attorney to commence immediate legal action against Comart / ERT and SelecTV in Australia and Greece.

Mr. Boulos believes that the original action was motivated and fuelled on by the frustrated ex-CEO of Foxtel and failed Hong Kong venture Mr. Jim Bloomfield in an attempt to boost his dismal Greek sub base and find some niche for the unguided doomed SelecTV venture in a pay TV market that is extremely well served by Austar , Foxtel and UBI world TV.