Sitting down and eating my dinner at 6 o'clock tonight and channel 7 had a news story regarding the repossession capitals of South East Queensland. People who are just walking away from their houses as what the news reporter said or simply cannot pay for them anymore. The item that grabbed my attention was the two worst areas, PINE RIVERS and THE GOLD COAST and SURFERS PARADISE AREA.

Now what gets me, is the two areas above that are having the highest repossession and walk away from houses just happens to be the same two areas that the poll is polling the highest. Is it a possibility that when the sharks from the Department of Child Safety move in, causing undue stress to the parents, forcing the parents to hire lawyers to repel the scum that has invaded their houses, only to be forced to sell their houses to pay for legal fees.

Now, wouldn't it be good to have a poll on people who have had to sell their houses to pay for legal fees for an invading Department of Child Safety.

Again, I find this very odd and it is just too much of a coincidence that the two most repossessed house areas or where people are abandoning their houses just happen to be the two that happen to be at the top of the poll. For all that don't know, a very high percentage of people who have had dealings with DOCS lose their job, and when you lose your job, you lose your house if you are paying a mortgage.