Well, with me, They marched in and forced the partner to sign documents, she didnt want me to leave, but! the tactics used left her no choice.
Instead of questioning me to why they came there for. COPs just arrested me for trespassing. HUH! wtf,even, I have to go to court for that. Ill win, cos these cops are frkheads and abused the law, with DOCS pulling the string and commanding these retarded cops to jump at the whims of another retarded department.

Now, they are attacking her, cos, she stands with me. her whole family is in tears and shocked that this family WILL be losing their sister,.
Then I have to Question the Judge, Why the frk does this wanker, just signs a document without even reading it.???,without even questioning the Facts to find out if this crap from DOCS holds water.

EG: we go to the shop and buy a Item, if we are not happy with said item, we obtain a refund or a exchange. Same as buying a car. well,DOCS are running a business, and as a business, The customer is always right.when we as this customer are not happy, There IS no One to complain to. just pretend doors for you to knock on,to make out like they are doing something.