I spoke to my children this weekend about the decision DoCS have made to reduce contact with my son.

Miss 10: "Why we should have him living with us. Why dont they want to let him see us more?"

Miss 10: "They (DoCS and the Carers) are so mean"

Mr 8: "I know they are poo bums"
Me (reply to mr 8): You need to tell DoCS what you think and what you want"
Mr 8: "no i cant"
Me: "Why?"
Mr 8:"because if i do they wont be my case worker any more"

Mr 8 has had at least 2-4 case worker changes every year, and is obviously sick of the changes.
He feels that his case workers change because of something he has done, and as a result wont tell them what he thinks or what he wants, as everytime he requests a change in contact they get a new case worker.

What do your children think about DoCS and their decisions?