I mean no Offence to women that have child/ren below the age of 18. But, This Is Facts. My sarcasm in the way I will relay this, will not be to your liking.

As it stands with DOCS, No woman can have a relationship with any man while there is Child/ren in the picture.

This is what DOCS wants you to do.

Your must: Ask this man if he is a paedophile.
Ask for his full name and address and place of employment(if any)

You then take that information to DOCS and wait, They will then inform you if you can have a date to form a relationship.

There ya go girls a new dating service conducted by the Government to employ Fat frk up retarded lesso's to match make you to what they believe Can be the man in your life and a father to your child/ren,( unto death do you part or when DOCS comes)
Now, me,(as I dont believe there is any other man out there that comes anywhere remotely to what DOCS have done to me) I am better off then you girls. true, I never can have a family or a relationship to form a family.
But I can have sex with females from legal age,(whether im 17 or 107) I can have a relationship,as long as the partner dont or cant have child/ren.
The up side as being a branded as a pedo, I dont have to pay child support, I dont have to vote and I dont have to fill out that frk'd up Consensus document that tells that government anything of me as(as they already fabricated from me) you do, if you dont,thats $100 a day or prison. These are my benefits from government to how I can live in this Lucky and fair justice system annie frking bligh said it had.(guess annie and her retards be out next yr after the election,no matter,you are still to blame and still accountable). Karma at work woot

My down side, Yes, I want a Child more then anything in this sick world. I want a woman with no kids(Unlikely these days,Redheads are hard to find like that.By golly) eyeball
Long distance relationships that are forced adds to the strain.
While DOCS do their best to make her believe them and other family care workers now employed to investigate, still demand that this long distance partner is unfit to be a mother and needs to be trained to pinpoint a pedo/predator in her next relationship.
The more she defends me,The more they do their best to convince her she is a unfit mother. What these Frk'd up retards dont get, What If I am Telling the Truth?. and they are wrong ?. All this stand over tactics and bulling,The abuse of the law to get their way. and these frkheads wont concede to that fact, What If They are Wrong.
They will force their opinions to state you are wrong,Why do you defend him so much???. why, why,why, and time after time after time,a 100 ways of asking her, she still says the same, at what point do these retards start to question their own motivation ?.
Yes, someone or a group of someone's has tampered with my files and has snow balled bigger then Ben frking Hur. No wonder nobody wants to touch me, no wonder I dont get any form of help from those that claim and state thats why they are there for.
In all of this, from the death of my son, to the stealing of my children and the murdering of the love and the brutal bashing of a relationship, All this, And who have I hurt ?. To who have I taking any anger out on? for what this Government has done to me and those that was with me?. No One, Only myself, And I cant understand why,frking why, I have not. I sit here all alone and just think of millions of ways to hurt back. That thinking just wont go any further, Ever after all they have done, I sit here in my man made prison and Yell out and to the world. My motivation for life is gone. I just have One woman in all this world that loves me for me,believe in me for me, Just one. shes 3000 k's away, How soon before that love is gone?. cos, of my sarcastic attitude,my stubbornness, my, I dont care attitude. That waiting of the day, that I can say, I am in love.
She is willing to make sacrifices to keep this relationship,(no, that dont mean she going to put Me before her kids ),I came half way to listen, All seems good and all can possibly happen. But, how long, for me, 7 yrs soon to be 8.for her just a yr, how much more?. one year, 2?, 3?. 10?. we are not getting any younger. This distance is way too much.

Wayz, otter here,going to play with Eve l_sabre