The funny thing is, my husband used to be some what of a gym nut.He's always been very health conscious. Navy vet,has always worked out,ate healthy. Over the years though,it has become harder & harder for him to keep up the routine due to working midnights, kids, hectic lives & my Awesome cooking!(see how I just make the compliment if I need one?-"self sufficient!")

Anywho,each Jan 1, he gives up pop & makes up a new workout regimine (he loves Mountain Dew,I think he'd have it pumped throgh his viens if it was possible). And each year he slips on one or the other. And each year I try to tell him that he needs to start accepting those love handles,and the arm jello,cause after 30 you OWN it! No more excuses like,"Oh it's my winter weight",or "I've just been slackin but I'm serious now". It's the same for women too, once you hit 30,that "baby fat" becomes "your" fat - there's no two ways about it! You've by then missed your window, your metabolisim slows(or becomes nonexistant it seems!), and it bcomes harder & harder t get the weight off.

But not this year, no this year my man was strong like buffalo!!! So I now have to hear the inevitable "Honey,if you would just give up the pop & the junk, you would feel great! You just need a daily regimine like me - then it doesn't hurt so much!". (remember that last line!)

So here we are now Feb 13th, and last night my husband decided to go check out Wii for the first time, over his buddies house...remember healthy,gave up junk,works out... big, strong man!!! He's gone for about six and a half hours, he comes home and the look on his face was priceless!!!

Seems my big strong man,got his butt whooped by Wii! Or his entire body I should say. Direct Quote: "Man that Wii's no joke, I've come home less beat up from hockey!" "Poor baby",I managed to utter through my uncontrolable chuckle.(I know,it's part of my vindictiveness...I need to work on that.) I really did feel bad for him, I must admit. It's not like he went jet skiing,or atv ridding,or something that you would expect to be sore from later. Poor thing just wanted to check out Wii! (they played baseball & tennis)

As the night grew longer, I heard noises from him that he's never made before... reachng for his glass of juice produced a kind of grunt like eeeghvmmph! Bending in any direction soundedlike this - "arrrrrfgbbbbph...SH*T I'm stuck!" And last but not least, as I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth before bed,I witnessed him raising the toilet seat w/his toes so he could relieve himself! Although I already knew the answer, I wanted to hear him SAY it,so I asked ..."Babe,what are you doing?" His reply..." Ok,ok shut up! You were right ok, - we're just old ,there's no hope for us - it doesn't matter if you work out,watch your wieght,live healthy, - once you hit 30 its all downhill! I hate getting old!!!" So with that, I tunred around walked to the fridge and returned w/a nice ice cold Mountain Dew. I handed it to him and said "Here baby,come grow old with me." We walked out of the bathroom arm in arm (mostly because I was holding him up).

Today my hsband is resigned to the fact that no matter how hard you try to fight it, you will age - and sometimes not well! Oh bless his heart though for trying,I think it's commendable to be so health conscious.

Today,every time I sensed a little groan starting to creep from his mouth, I couldn't help but hold up both fists in the air,shaking them and yelling in a playful voice "weeee!!!" (I know, I said I'm workin on it - nobody's perfect!)

If I really wanted to be mean,I could read him the above story,but I think he's been beat up enough this week.

Face it we are all leaving this world the same way we came in - Bald, toohtless & in diapers!!! SAD BUT TRUE