Ooo, great topic and link, Dawn! highfive Thanks once again!

I'm not extremely against this, but I'm not for it either. For me, this part of the article sums it up...


Jarrod Bailey, science consultant to the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), says he is "disappointed" both ethically and scientifically with the results.

"This sort of research on animals as sentient as monkeys and apes does not have public support," he told BBC News.

Furthermore, he thinks the underlying science is flawed. Animal researchers, he said, "have failed in research to find treatments for Aids, for hepatitis, for malaria, for strokes. Many treatments for strokes work in monkeys but don't work in humans."

"Monkeys do not predict human response and do not tell us about human disease," he added.

I believe disease is created in spirit first. To address disease, I would consult my spirit and inner self. I would wonder why I have the disease and what I was supposed to learn from it. I wouldn't want to inflict it wilfully upon another living thing.

I'm not against medicine and feel it has a place. I would consult a doctor (quicksmart!) if I chopped off a finger or broke a bone, amongst other things. But I'm not into preventative medicine because I believe those type of illnesses stem from spiritual imbalance. And disabilities we are born with are of our soul's choosing (IMO) to give us the stringent experience our soul and divine will desires.

BUT as always, I'm anxious to hear rebuttals and other ideas. What do you think, Dawn? OMJ? Jaime? Kaybee?

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