John, page 11 of your 504 blog was captured on 18/10/10, so not much would have been lost between 18 and 20/10.

The first thing you need to do is find the thread you want to recover. So John wants to find a thread on 504 power steering. Use the following search term at Google: aussiefrogs 504 power steering peujon
and you get a page full of stuff and you will scroll down and find the one with a link:
and 'cached' next to it. This tells us the thread number is 15417 and that a cached copy 'may' exist. It's page 1 because pages 2 and subsequent pages will display as such in the link description.

Try the search term "aussiefrogs showthread.php?t=15417" and you should find more than one page is cached for this thread. Page 1 of this thread doesn't seem to work, but open the cache of page 2 or 3. If it's what you want, use Menu> File> "Save As" to save a copy of the cached version. In Internet Explorer select .mht option and use a standardised naming convention so you can keep track of what you find. For example, use "AF_PF_15417_2_XX thread title etc XX.mht", meaning it's page 2 of AF thread 15417 and was in the Pug Forum. Easier to organise this way.

Since you've got a page 2, look at the top right of the original page and find out how many pages there were originally at the time the cache was captured (see the Google etc. header for the date). In this case there were 3 pages on 25/9/10. Save whatever pages you can find caches for and then look for the missing pages. There may be later caches too, but since this is an old thread, it probably doesn't matter.

Say, page 2 was missing but you had page 3. Take the page 3 link and change 3 to 2. So search on:
"" OR
"aussiefrogs showthread.php?t=15417 page=3"
and you've got a fair chance of finding it.

Page 1's cached copy seems to be missing. There is a link, but it's not working. Try it later at:

You can also try searching at and other search engines that may have cached pages. Page 1 of this thread isn't there.

Does this help?

Last edited by David_S; Mon 25 Oct 2010 04:07:AM.