I liked this article!

I did not watch the Royal Wedding, as such, but all night long I dreamed and had visions of red and blue coming together. Then the next day saw pictures of William's red and blue suit which totally synced with me, though I felt that the mother (blue) and father (red) energy merged for a new beginning.

I also loved your May Queen - Green Man analogy and I thought this as well (though am not familiar with the May Queen, but wow how that makes sense).

When I first found my spirituality and opened up my mind to the voices of information, I kept hearing about a wedding that was coming up. I knew it had to do with Green Man who kept showing up in photos and leaving little messages for me. I wondered and wondered what it was about. I'd often get the lyric from Winter Wonderland, "and pretend that he is Parson Brown, He'll say are you married we'll say no man, but you can do the job when you're in town.."

I now feel these messages were a part of the prophecy of the huge change abreast and is symbolized by the wedding of the young royals (and as you said, May Queen and Green Man). I can so see why you loved it so much. I can feel and understand that. Thanks for helping me see it from this lovely angle.