Originally Posted by JusticeForAll
How exactly is Families SA responsible for this child attacking the animal? Did they make him do it? Did they take his hand and hit it against the animal?

If this child was in the care of his parents i'm sure you'd blame them too for this child doing this.

Ouch, is someone on their Rags?.

I think your missing the point. They had control, or thought they had control. Cos, Why?, They Docs are Controllers, Same for a Parent, They thing they have control, but how can any parent control a 17 yr old, Not easy ay, more so if he is so hell bent to rebel.
DOCS, They lay claim to control,as this is their Job.
Now who normally would pay for his trip?. His mum, Ay... But, this is not the case is it, DOCS are wasting money where money of that nature can goto better use.