Wow, I am blown away that the department told you to contact them so they could do a background check on any potential partner... They would then somehow twist it into some new notification on you and take the kids off you again.

The atrocites of the WW2 holocaust.

Auschwitz warns. Auschwitz warns. Auschwitz warns.

I was born in the mid 1960's and so it was only 20 years (1 generation) post nazi concentration camp/ holocaust stuff.
In my travels I went to 2 concentration camps.
And when I walked through Birkenau and Auschwitz in the mid 1990's it all seemed so long ago.
It was sobering and eerie.
I could almost see and feel the ghosts there.
I looked around and I imagined the fear that the Jews and other targeted groups felt there. This fear was still palpable.
You know, it could have been me and my son if I was born 20 years earlier and was of different religious orientation. It could have been you. They would have retched my son and myself apart. They would have sent me to work and God knows what would have happened to my son. Can you imagine the ache of a mother's heart?
At Auschwitz I remember how this museum is now set out so one walks down corridors and there are huge windows like the size of walls where you look into huge rooms. One room was full of ports (suitcases), one room displays shoes and so it goes all sorts of personal effects are displayed there. You begin to understand the number of innocent people who went to their end of days. You wonder at what their life story was. It also captures the grim plain fashions of the 1930's. There were other buildings that showed photographs and gave an account of what happened.
But Birkenau was more frightening. I remember walking through huge dormitories that housed the people. There were crudely made bunk beds that were 3 deckers high and would sleep 3 or 4 on one level. There was line of potty toilets in the middle of this dormitory. Like a slab of bricks with holes set so far apart from each other. No privacy. Pre-penicillin days. Imagine the lice, the disease, the heart aches, the torture from the guards, the poverty, the lack of food and lack of basics. The winters would have been bitingly cold. The gas chambers was set at the back in a state of rubble after being blown up.
I only went to 2 concentration camps in Poland. I wanted to remember. I wanted to feel what we humans had done to each other. I went out of respect for my fellow man.

In my naive manner I thought (even though I was born only 20 years later) this sort of human behaviour was behind us i.e. the cruelty that man can inflict upon his fellow man. The inflicting of judgements upon each other, the twisting and lying and the torture. The bullying behaviours shown to people who are deemed below you in class or office.
In my naiveness I thought we were now more educated, more cultured, a better class of human beings.
The modern day practices of The Department of Child Safety, Queensland can be likened to that of the WW2 holcaust. There is a strong correlation between what the German Nazis did and to what CSO's and their team leaders are doing on a regular daily basis today in this state of Queensland.