They didnt tell me that, They told that to WJ: and i am guessing they say that to all females in DOCS dating agency.
All, i know, that I can not have that. I cant have any females as friends or to form a relationship if they have kids.
I could be just visiting you and be at a BBQ, all it will take is to have DOCS get a wind of it, and they will march in and remove me and place you under their wing to abuse you further

And to Add, My mom, was a French resistance fighter, she Killed Nazi's, if she didnt make it there, I would not be here today. to also Fight the Nazis of DOCS. the Head of all this in QLD is the PM of the day. that means Frkhead Bligh. and who ever is next in line as PM, will also be the head of that Nazi docs group.
The jews have a war crime courts, where is Our DOCS Nazis war crime courts?.
7 yrs ago, when this started with me and if you were to also read my yahoo blog, I ever quoted it then.
DOCS = Nazis storm troopers, the anti Christ. the evil of those that want the power to dominate the meek.
Well, lets look at history, can be dated back to well before Christ, Pinnacle moments are, the death of Christ,1695 witch hunting, WW2, and in 2008-9 Australia government adopting Nazi attitude to enforce the Genocide to the lower class's.
In 1992, I dont recall, the polly that quoted it, but he stated, that by the yr 2000, there will be no black man race in Australia.Genocide if i ever heard it.
I even predict this, there will be a civil war in ozland,(more so, if it becomes a republic) not black against white, it be us against them, Us being the lower class's the meek and them as annie frking bligh and clone Rudd. As Evil cannot Cast out Evil.

Humanity is just repeating itself and has not learnt one iota from past mistakes.

If going by their grammar and their actions, Then I am not even close to being wrong. They are Retarded.