As the debate over the concerns of abuse to children and who has done it, Is not the only concerns in the picture.
As Docs use these children as a Tool to obtain control,They also abuse the relationships.
If that pains and suffering of losing the children wasnt enough,Losing the love of a relationship is the icing on the cake to DOCS.
Sure they may not be right there at that moment, ripping away.
But they are the start to it.
Man has a different reaction to women.
Man will say things never meaning to hurt and woman will react as,he dont care and he dont love.
The added friction of distance adds to the issue.

How can everybody just turn a blind eye to that, And the concerns of Children over rides everything?.

Without mums and dads,There is no children,without LOVE there is no family.without dreams there is no hopes.
Children can not just be the focus,it is all connected, we all suffer when DOCs invades.children,mums,dads,family, Love.
We all react differently in that pain.
But why Kill Love?.