Well, day 2,here. Nah!! so good. WJ: no longer supports me, or this,as she stated.
I am believing more that I was a Excuse to something else for her to end the relationship in the way she did.I added more to it,in my human reaction which didnt help much.
Now,its on ya own and do it for yourself.

As far as I know,I still have at lest 2 more court date, with the first now, Destroyed,. My chances to prove,I am innocent is all Gone,With WJ: now not supporting the truth.

The 2nd court is over my first GF that had the children removed.God knows why, been over 2 yrs.
What the hell would she want from me???.

If there is any hope left, the class action is the very last one.
So, I can have my life back, so I can find that woman that just wants me for me, so I can love again in the right way and not lose that love over Nothing.
Thats MY last Hope.