Artist Alex Law believes kids know best what a superhero should look like.

So, in a new online project she calls “Little Girls Are Better At Designing Superheroes Than You” she’s taken her inspiration from girls.

“I remember being a young girl myself and being unsatisfied with the female characters available to me,” she told TKN in an email. “Most female superheroes are designed and written by adult men, and I don’t think adult men know or even care about what girls like.”

So, when she saw some little girls dressed as their favourite superheroes, she started drawing them.

And she turned them into superheroes.

Two of the girls she “transformed” are John Marcotte’s daughters.

His oldest daughter had dressed up as Batman and Iron Man after seeing the movies.

“I decided that she needed to see that women could be heroes, too, so I showed her the Justice League cartoon,” says Marcotte.

His daughters would wind blue masking tape around their arms to make Wonder Woman bracelets.

On year, his oldest daughter decided to go out for Hallowe’en as “The Huntress,” from Batman. Her sister dressed up as The Huntress's pertner, Power Girl.

Source: Artist Draws Superheroes Inspired By Girls

David Cottle

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