Wouldn’t it be nice to know that if you need to put your hands on someone, it needn’t always end badly? When it comes to self-defence, the focus of teaching is on the simple process of hitting and not getting hit, until the threat is taken care of. In more reality-based systems, that focus goes even further: strike and connect first, so the second — and more difficult — part of the process is removed altogether. This is necessary, of course, as effective responses rely on simplicity and many people have neither the time nor physical prowess to gain the necessary skill to do otherwise. But for those who have gained a sufficient skill base and the confidence to back it, control and restraint techniques are worthy of attention. Here, aikido masters Sensei Joe Thambu and David Dangerfield reveal their worth in multiple situations, from the front-line of law-enforcement to a bad day on Civvy Street.
Read more ... Source: [url=http://www.blitzmag.net/self-defence/626-show-some-restraint-]Show some restraint[/url]

David Cottle

UBB Owner & Administrator