SUBJ: IPS GEOMAGNETIC DISTURBANCE WARNING 02/37<br />ISSUED AT 24/2155Z OCTOBER 2002<br />BY THE AUSTRALIAN SPACE FORECAST CENTRE.<br /><br />INCREASED GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY EXPECTED<br />FROM 24-29 OCTOBER 2002<br /><br />A sustained period of southward IMF has resulted in increased<br />geomagnetic activity today. A steady rise in the solar wind<br />speed indicates the start of the coronal hole activity slightly<br />earlier than expected. The activity is expected to continue<br />for the next 3 to 4 days.<br />-------------------------------------------------------------<br />GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY FORECAST <br />24 Oct: Quiet to active. Minor storm possible<br />25 Oct: Mostly active. Minor storm possible<br />26 Oct: Mostly active.<br />27 Oct: Mostly unsettled to active.<br />28 Oct: Mostly unsettled to active.<br />29 Oct: Unsettled<br /><br />IPS Radio and Space Services | email:<br />PO Box 1386 | WWW:<br />Haymarket NSW 1240 AUSTRALIA | FTP: <br />tel: +61 2 9213 8010 | fax: +61 2 9213 8060 <br />_______________________________________________