Space Weather News for Nov. 30, 2002<br /><br /><br />PLANETS CONVERGE: Don't miss this. Just before dawn on Sunday, Dec. 1st,<br />the planets Venus and Mars will converge with the slender crescent Moon.<br />The trio will fit within a circle 1.5 degrees in diameter. Northern<br />hemisphere observers should look toward the eastern horizon around 5:30<br />a.m. local time. Venus will be dazzling, about 350 times brighter than<br />nearby red Mars. Can you see a ghostly glow across the crescent Moon's<br />dark terrain? Astronomers call that "Earthshine"--it's one of the<br />loveliest sights in the sky.<br /><br />Visit for a sky map of the gathering and for details<br />about possible auroras on Dec. 1st and 2nd.