SB QST @ ARL $ARLB014<br />ARLB014 Amateur Radio volunteers support Olympics<p>ZCZC AG14<br />QST de W1AW <br />ARRL Bulletin 14 ARLB014<br />>From ARRL Headquarters <br />Newington CT February 14, 2002<br />To all radio amateurs <p>SB QST ARL ARLB014<br />ARLB014 Amateur Radio volunteers support Olympics<p>Amateur Radio volunteers are supporting the 2002 Winter Olympic<br />Games, assisting with security and remaining available to provide<br />back-up communication.<p>''The amateurs involved have assisted numerous local and federal<br />agencies to develop a unique system that covers the entire Wasatch<br />Front Area, providing communications to reach numerous Olympic<br />venues 24 hours a day,'' said Utah ARRL Section Manager Mel Parkes,<br />AC7CP. ''Amateur Radio will be there should any of the primary<br />frequencies fail or become unavailable.''<p>According to Parkes, Utah Section Emergency Coordinator John Mabey,<br />W7CWK, and Brent Thomas, AC7H, of the State of Utah Comprehensive<br />Management Office began working on this effort more than a year ago.<br />A special public safety organization--Utah Olympic Public Safety<br />Command (UOPSC) was created by the various local and national public<br />safety organizations that provide the security necessary for the<br />international event. Mabey, along with Davis County EC Hall<br />Blankenship, KC7RAF; Kirk Boman, KD0J; Ed Cole, KB7EC; and Mike<br />Youngs, KK7VZ, headed up the Amateur Radio effort to provide<br />emergency backup communication for the Olympic Security Command.<p>Parkes said UOPSC has now involved more than 200 Amateur Radio<br />volunteers in Utah to support critical security. In addition Amateur<br />Radio volunteers are staffing a number of Olympic Security Command<br />centers assisting local and national public safety organizations.<p>''The hard work and dedication by all these dedicated Amateur Radio<br />Operators will certainly contribute to a very successful and safe<br />Olympic Winter Games,'' Parkes said.<br />NNNN<br />/EX