There is a new exploit going around corrupting stored cookies for all sites you have in your browser.

It then attaches itself and then attacks the webserver with the expolit when you visit the site(s).

AUS-CITY is protected against this exploit. You may find other sites and servers begining to block access if you have the exploit.

However if you find you get 403 errors when you try to visit, you must clear your browser cookies and reload the site.

It's not AUS-CITY blocking you directly, rather it's blocking your corrupted cookie outside the standard and trying to exploit php and apache. It looks something like this:

WAF Rules: Invalid character in request or headers"] [severity "CRITICAL"] Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Found 1 byte(s) in REQUEST_HEADERS:Cookie outside range: 1-255.

Anyone needing help clearing cookies please contact us.

David Cottle

UBB Owner & Administrator