Hi Kylie thank you for your comment, that is the feedback that I am after. Because I have only been a member of the club now for just under a year, I don't know the traditions of the club and what not. So feed back like that puts me on the right track. I am going to need help with Blurb in the website, if you can help me with blurb by writing a welcome or any other part of the website I would be really great full. If you want please see me at the next club meeting.<br /><br />In relation to your browser it is better to view the website in Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you need any help with your computer just see me at the club meetings and I will be happy to help.<br /><br />The pics are flowing in good. Thanks Bob and Ray for sending your pics. Just to let people know that the number plates will be blacked out if anybody had and hesitation about sending in their pics of their car. I would still like to encourage members to send in any pics of their Monaro’s and engine bays (308’s and 253’s if anybody has any - Chevy’s are also welcome of course :-) )