Hello Dawn, wave

Nice to hear about you once again. I keep stopping by on your site to have a peruse and see what is happening there. flower
I understand what you mean by 'fluff and New age jargon', on some of the sites, with regards to nature spirits and why that could put a lot of people off the topic.
My site which I hoped would be up and running by now is still some way off. My webmaster has been otherwise engaged in other things and has not had the time. Since I am not too good with setting up a site, I have to wait patiently. In the meantime I just keep travelling around, taking the photographs and marvelling at what I find.

I would just urge people to be more open minded regarding this topic and realise behind all myths and fairy stories there is some truth.

So keep up the good work Dawn, Alisa is trying her best to bring it to the attention of others with this site.

Your opinion is valid on all topics as Alisa has mentioned and it would be so good to have your input .

A most happy New year to you too.

Bye for now bye