Well watching Channel Nine News last night (15/10//07)I just caught a segment about Queensland police getting caught in their own speed cameras. It was interesting once again thanks to the freedom of information ACT and a good reporter that reported this but I would like to add my two bobs worth.
See what attracted my attention to this story was the high percentage of police whilst on or possibly off duty that were booked for speeding but it was the case of an outrageous percentage of them that write a letter to the department with a reason why they were speeding and they get off. Now as I said I just caught this story by a second so I don't exactly remember the percentage that get off but it was high and I can tell you this that the average Tom Dick and Harry that has been caught speeding has got BUCKLEY'S chance of getting off as easy as the off or on duty Police do so how do they do it? Haaaaaa easy!!

No I'm not saying where I got this info from but some of us unfortunately have relatives or friend in the Police service and yes they do enjoy a drink at a BBQ and yes the drink has a habit of loosening a few tongues and this is what I over heard at a Bathurst 1000 party that got my ears ringing.
See what is getting around the traps in the Police service is just say an off or on duty Police officer is driving his or her private or Police car on a public road and in a split second they unfortunately get zapped by a speed camera for speeding and they know that they have been busted what they do is accelerate and pull over the first car that just happen to be in front of them.
Now they will pull the car over for any reason like Sir/Madam why were you drifting in your lane, or your brake light are coming on and off or whatever stupid or silly reason they can use to pull the car in front of them over so they can get details, times and whatever needed so the off or on duty cop can write his or her letter saying this was the reason why he or she was speeding.
I find this what I heard absolutely disgusting and outrageous that we have a law for the common person and we have a loophole for the Police.
What I would like for the General public to do is if you pass a speed camera and you are not speeding whatsoever and for some reason just after or kms later down the road you get pulled over for whatever reason by anyone on or off duty and they just happens to flash a badge at you and ask for your details which you give him or her ask for his or her name and service number (They could refuse or ask why?), also get details, time, "etc" of the car they are driving and number plate and report them to the CMC (Crimes Misconduct Commission)You never know you could be lucky, See if the CMC investigate and it just happens the Police officer gives them the same excuse (I bet the excuses would be similiar)as they put in their letter to get off the fine the CMC will know that the Police Officer in question is on the nose, and after this message on this forum gets around they might think twice before pulling this swifty again.
Remember all, the way I look at it the Police are not above the law and they should be treated equally like the rest of us.
Now let me see where is the phone number for the CMC.

Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Tue 16 Oct 2007 02:32:PM.