The Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team has finally made the playoffs.

On Wednesday, Leafs will play their first post-season game since 2004.

Toronto hockey fans are well known for their enthusiasm for their team—and their patience. They’re excited their team has finally made the playoffs again.

For each Maple Leafs playoff game Toronto’s CN Tower will light up blue, the colour of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

In the past few days, more than 75,000 people have joined the “Leafs Last Minute Club,” an online service that tells people when new tickets to watch games are available to be purchased.

A lot has changed since the last time the Maple Leafs were in the playoffs. Back in 2004, no one could watch Youtube highlights of the Maple Leafs games on their iPhones… because neither Youtube nor iPhones had been created yet.

And tweeting the score would have been impossible, because Twitter didn’t exist yet, either.

Canada’s population has increased by about three million during those nine years of change and patience for Leafs fans.

The Maple Leafs will face the Boston Bruins on Wednesday. It’s a team the Leafs have only beaten once in four tries this year. And it’s a team they haven’t faced in the playoffs for 39 years.

Source: Toronto Maple Leafs Make Playoffs After Nine-Year Wait

David Cottle

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