This is a Medium Virus Advisory Upgrade for W32/Yaha.k. This virus has had its Risk Assessment Upgraded to Medium. Information about the W32/Yaha.k has been updated on VIL at: . The W32/Yaha.k was first discovered on 12/21/2002 and detection was added to the 4239 dat files.<br /><br />There are many subject lines/Message bodies/Attachment names that W32/Yaha.k may use. See link above for further details.<br /><br />All DAT packages were made available on 12/23/2002.<br /><br />If you have received W32/Yaha.k or suspect you might have received this W32/Yaha.k, please submit a sample to <br /><br />For further information on Risk Assessments please see:<br /><br />Regards,<br /><br />AVERT