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#43409 Mon 05 Jan 2009 05:55:PM
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Well, boys and girls.
Seems the festive season was Jolly for many, while others lived in pain.
WantsJustice: doenst want anything, and just rolled over Once this woman was loving and caring/giving, DOCS murdered that nature of her.and it was the end of me with her.
and stating this" but lie detector doesnt hold any value.... Pshycologists, say that someone who believes in themselves that much can pass the test without any problems. You can train your mind to believe" also stating." I'm suffering from,erotomania,paranoia,schizophrenia or manic depression ?. A lier or deceiver, or Does that mean WJ: trained herself to hate?.
Them are the same words the 06-07 X said and the 04-06, And now WJ: all three have stated the same....MMMMmmmm anyone see's a DOCS hand in this?.
Who twisted her that much?. Well it started with DOCs, theres no two ways about it. in 20 minutes, these scums,Played god, And just plainly Abuse every thing in sight.
I lose love, More important then any child. I lose the belief and support from a woman that was always there.
I'm sick of losing Love, And thats what those scummy parasites did in just 20 minutes.
Now WJ: is just damaged goods.

I spent most of the morning and afternoon running around with this legal crap.
People I havnt seen in ages, Now, Walk up to me and ask how things are. I meet some others abused victims here in townsville and she has no idea of how DOCS works, she is Fresh to all this and running around as I did 7 yrs ago. It was heart breaking to tell her, Sorry that not going to work, or forget those persons,EG: Jann Stacky: gee, any politicians, none will lift a finger, they just buck pass. She is aware of the Class action and I encouraged her to apply and to past it around.
We then talked about forming a group, cos as I said to her, One voice will never be heard, In numbers we will. So now, that could be a goer.

I got court for this trumpt up charge of trespassing on the 16th, been well over 14 weeks and not a word from a lawyer I think i got. left memos to ph me back, Doesnt.
I can see this going the wrong way. more so now, With WJ: hate.
This cover up by DOCs, will be uncovered, and that compensation that they hated so much to part with, will be my freedom to re build a life.

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DocSniper #43412 Mon 05 Jan 2009 10:22:PM
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Love with another is more important than a child?

JusticeForAll #43414 Mon 05 Jan 2009 11:41:PM
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Bare with me.
A person, that said this to me:
You have had children and your a father why do you need a child?. to love.
She just couldnt understand, That it wasnt just to have a child, to replace the one that past was to replace me and my dead heart, each child in the last 5 yrs, started to bring that out of me. and each time they are taking away, added walls are put up.each partners love becomes hate. each partner love is Killed, dont ya think,more walls are added?.
With this person,she to couldnt have anymore children, but we and she talked of ways to obtain,after this issue with DOCS was settled once and for all. those idea formed and built upon and reshaped and played with and yeah, nothing solid, cos of the issue with docs. but still plans and dreams and desires were spoken.
But, cos, I felt that a child would enhance our relationship, She didnt. Saying you dont need a child to love.
Well, on Xmas eve after the ending. the thinking and the analysing kicked in. And I started to question myself on the issue of wanting a child compared to love. tossing and turning, waking up so bloody early, like around 6-7am, when before around 10-11am.
Then I asked myself whats more important? a child or love.?. I wont lie, yes, I want a child of my own so much,so very much. But I also want love, its hard to get that child, and she is right, I dont need a child to love her, I know I already did. I fell in love and didnt utter a bloody stinking word, Dickhead me,Ay.
What is more important?.I pray so much for the dreams and desires,I beg god so much,I cry and think, why all this, whats it for, to give a little and take away a lot. I prayed and prayed, and he must of tested me, by the meeting with WJ: and I failed.
I believe i am romantically emotional at heart when it comes to love and what all humans claim is the Bond to all hope tween two people in that love.
Even she said I am old fashion, That just good values and manners and respect, that I learnt from mistakes.

so yeah! I have to accept,if i want love, I have to have it as it comes.
its it logical to try and mend and then try to start with a stranger?.
This one already knows me, the ending was not how it was meant to be.
It comes down to, what are you willing to sacrifice for love ?.
And Yes, dont matter which way this is turned, DOCS started it all off.

DocSniper #43424 Wed 07 Jan 2009 04:08:AM
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I loved the title of the thread and thought man this guy has found his own way of dealing with the endless crap he has faced over so many years.

Then I read your post. frown

Its me that has finally realised what you are trying to tell everyone here with little no understanding. We do try you know.

I get it now. You've lost so much and now your spouse, is that enough already? You have lost your mind too.

I've been with my wife for 14 years and all the children we have had together are now gone. With this the spark between us has been shadowed with all this DoCS shit, just like you and wj.

Did you ever think the new you maybe the old you before this crap?

Did you ever think that the new you maybe what brings you and your other half back from this crisis.

you go now and have a new crap life just like everyone else is, and when you come out at the end of it realise the new you was what your spouse needs as soon as you can.

More about me.

Yep that spark has gone between us and we still persist knowing that there is no one else going to put up with each others past. 14 years and we have little tiffs because the stress is upon us.

I am not sure as to all the details of you an WJ and I hope you think twice before posting more here about your spouse in this manner, but I would hate to be either of you in this situation.

I'll try to cut it short as the long reads loses the effect. But you both are tired and you are the stronger one and breaking. Be the stronger one.

I regret the comment by JFA above but like everyone else here JFA is at ends to find the right words, post even to make things work for you.

Man if you could bare the events in your life I would call you a much stronger person than me.

If I had some harden the fuck up cream that would work I would send you some, but my stuff isn't strong enough for your case situation. So it is all up to you from here as you are the driver.

My wife and I say things we never mean when stuff gets the better of us and when we settle down we by default we both realise that it is just DoCS or some other bullshit.

Two people don't stay together for 14 years believing angry words and if this advice works for us, I'm sure it would work for you.

I will admit your time has not been easier than mine but hang on do you want a reason for things to fail?

How about the new you starting today being the reason for your life to get better your spouse sees this and then strangely becomes attracted to this new you. Then you wake up from this nightmare and start to take advantage of the positive effects the new you brings to both you your children and your spouse.

If the new you falls then get the fuck back up and try again. Realise where you went wrong, celebrate it, and learn. Too many people out there cant see their own faults.

If you think it is over then so be it, I wont push you guys into destroying each other however it seems you still want to try.

The spark can take months or even years to come back.

But if you are at risk of hurting each other take a break and never say never because you never know what the new you will bring about.

NWO #43426 Wed 07 Jan 2009 01:51:PM
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The new me, is just that..New. new understanding. not the old me.
Yes, it boils down to losing Love for nothing. Being abused by the Law, Losing my children,losing the woman.
I am not a mental case. My mind is at 100% functional. Yes, I have lost so much, didnt just lose a woman,She knew this from word go. why bother with me then, to hurt now?.
she was looking and I was looking for the same things, we found it in each other and it grew. Its when others step in the picture,Like DOCS,ECT. that will demand you dump him.he is nothing to you. gee, dont I feel so worthy hearing that.
Yes, words were said from me, in frustration. just words. to end a relationship, just on words,didnt warrant that punishment,unless someone else is in the picture.
I didnt lose that spark, I looked at her with love.
Yes, docs issues didnt help any. being forced away from her,didnt help, obtaining a greater distance didnt help much either.
There is NO chance that WJ: hate for me will ever change.
she only give half infos(just like docs does) to focus that I am the mental case.
of cos, I hurt, I didnt want to lose her. But her hate for me, on just words, Killed it all.

DocSniper #43427 Wed 07 Jan 2009 07:15:PM
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To add:

Today was good, spoke to lawyers and seems I am now getting listen to, Instead of, I cant, I am now getting, Let me see what I can do for you.
That class action, seems to be a good
New direction, new people, new hope, new friends.
I have a chance. more important then any females stinking lieing words of love.

So, DOCS, now where?. what else are you going to Fabricate to add to my already Novel you made of me?.
Oh! How I hate Hypocrites.
I am thinking of sending DOCS a shovel, so they can start digging.....

DocSniper #43436 Thu 08 Jan 2009 08:16:PM
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again my silly reactions have gotten me into more crap.
All I can ask, is for that understanding and forgiveness, These circumstances of late, have really taken a Toll upon myself.
Nothing I really say will change in what I have said in the past.As I will never have that privilege to have in what I lost.

So, Today was yet another day of buck passing. Not form QLD this time, nah, From SA.
Spoke to a Person of a Regional office, ( i want say which office or where ),But, I am now informed that my case and documents will be looked at in more details. bugga, beats a buck pass any day.
I have also made appointments to see people in the medical profession, As councillors, that will write reports of me.
Lo, even got my car fixed and will be tuned up and re done again, and I just have to swap my old BMW for it..
kills two birds with one stone.:)
thats all for next week.

DocSniper #43440 Fri 09 Jan 2009 01:08:AM
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good to hear you being more cheery.

thisisgood #43441 Fri 09 Jan 2009 01:56:AM
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Im not.
Just got a better direction.
Im not over the lies.

DocSniper #43445 Fri 09 Jan 2009 06:05:PM
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Originally Posted by DocSniper
Im not.
Just got a better direction.
Im not over the lies.

I am going to laberate on this.
Because i believe in a man Jesus Christ and the Foundations to how man must live. I try, and I know I fall very short of the goal mark. amongst all this Issues I have, My thoughts somehow,sometimes leads to the thinking of what Christ tried to set out for mankind.
I question so much, to how and why, and only my human thoughts are heard.
I have that twig out of my eye,(probably why i see this differently) others have a forrest in theirs.
Yet I am still human, my weakness is this attitude,my anger and my bitterness and Hate for these Scums that lie,that are hypocrites,that deceive,that are fakes,two timers. Murderers/Abusers all this stirs in me. Yet I have Hurt No One, No One, Only in words, my sarcasm as become my walls, and that sarcasm will cut you. to the point of Hate to me.
So Be It.
Take away DOCS. and I am a Very good man, with very good values,for the woman of my life and the family.
These are the qualities of me,Before DOCS killed my life, These are the Qualities of me, That attracted the partner to my life.

My eldest sons mother I was with her 15 odd years. Young/stupid made heaps of mistakes with her,I wanted more children,she couldnt, we try and try and try.took tests, I loved her very much,I was selfish and wanted more.
And when I did, They die on me, They are taking away from me, I am punished every day is some way. as much as Christ is in my heart and soul.My sarcasm Beams Out to protect me.
I had a chance again, So I thought, started a new life in a new place, yet that past follows and it caught me and killed me inside again, and taking yet again,others with it.

a 100 ways to say No, Yet why say yes in the beginning, a 100 ways of hate, Yet, why say yes,when asked for the commitment, Say yes.???. for what reason, to waste a yr for nothing.

Docs have that same attitude , a 100 ways to kill you, yet cant say Yes, I/we got it wrong.

From this. I can now see, Why men get more abused from DOCS female workers, They hate just as much as the partner I had. and all they can do is make sure you never get heard of the truth of you.add lies of you,Fabricate,deceive others to their thinking. from DOCS actions of personal vengeance is no different to what I got from a Partner.

I know who I am, You dont, Cos you DOCS wont spend time with me, as a Partner once did.

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