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#5383 Sat 29 May 2004 07:45:AM
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Sitting down reading our local paper yesterday an article attracted my attention which hit a RAW nerve.<br />The article "GROUP FIGHTS FOR MEN" is all about Family Breakdowns and the way Men are treated by our pathetic legal system.<br />Before I say more I do not condone any violence against women but for one that went through a ringer it does leave a bad taste.<br />Its lucky that I suffer from long term memory problem which in my case is good because it removes the sadness of it all, but my personal files and my idiot friend occasionally bring it up <br />especially for one who just went through it himself not long ago.<br />Women will use any dirty tactics to remove a man out of a house. I worked shift work, I suspected someone else was sleeping in my bed at night whilst I was at work. Its not hard to pick a change in a women for starters NO MORE SEX! she always has a headache, She tries very hard to start an argument. Now thats hard with me I don't bite, so she trys even harder to start one just so she can justify her leaving you or better still make you leave.<br />Now in my friends case (she had another man)it was the same, NO sex, Trying to find an excuse to start an argument for months and because he did he got sucked in. She was smart, he had firearms, she rang the Police, he told the Police he did not threaten her with the firearms but they still removed them, two days later she rang the police again and the police removed him and although the neighbours reported that they only heard her screaming not him, he told the Police she was screaming for no reason and it just happened to be an open window next to the neighbours house, mind you it was winter in Sydney, she told the Police the window was opened to escape from him if needed.<br />In short terms he was screwed, she got an AVO against him and he had to go and leave his two kids with her and bingo within a month she had a boyfriend move into the house with her.<br />Now this poor friend of mine after the dust settled he had to pay maintenance for both the kids and after living like a pauper for two years<br />giving 50% of his wage for maintenence she always tried to stuff him when it was Fathers day, his birthday, she some how always had an excuse why the kids could not visit him on those precious days.<br />Two years later his 14 year old daughter finally had enough and ran away and wanted to live with her father (she was clashing with her mothers Boyfriend) and she then told the truth to her father what really happened two years ago.<br />Now to top this off I told him to get a paternity test done, he finally agreed but he was scared of the results would turn out to be he did not ask permission of their mother but the DNA test found that the eldest daughter was not his. In other words this low life was FUCKING someone else whilst she was engaged to my friend which forced them to get married.<br />For me I wont get into it. But I can tell you I only love 3 women, My deceased mother, My wife she is extremely patient with me and my daughter and as for the rest I don't give a shit.<br />I became very bitter and most of my mate wives till today HATE me but I have shifted mountains when it comes to discrimation against men.<br />Everyone reminds me about this one,,,, Yes one day I was shopping with my 12month old daughter in a shopping centre and she needed her nappy changed<br />and I spotted a Change room and out the front it said "WOMENS BABY CHANGE ROOM" so what did I do I charged through the doors to change my daughters nappy,,well what a commotion, some women told me to get out, some said call the police and the manager, and to my surprise one women stuck up for me and said I HAD A RIGHT TO CHANGE MY CHILDS NAPPY IN HERE. The manager came in as I refused to leave and told him I was going to take legal action because your shopping centre that discrimates against men with children. Within days the signs were removed and replaced to "PARENTS BABY CHANGE ROOM" and to my surprise other shopping centres followed soon.<br />Now years passed I moved to Brisbane with my family and within weeks I was embroiled into controversy, I walked into Woolworths shopping centre in Albany Creek and I saw RED. They had plenty of signs of a signifigant size saying and showing a comic figure of a man stealing a shopping bag of a woman. I asked to see the manager. The assistant manager came and I asked her to remove the sign and replace them with a neutral gender and not to say on the signs like all of them had "BE CAREFUL HE WILL BE ON YOUR SHOPPING LIST" I took offense to this as all you have to do is watch the news and you can see that women also steal shopping bags too. The Assistant manager said percentage say men steal more than women. I said I don't give a shit about your percentages I know about percentages I was involved for 20 years in the government training apprentices and 500 went through our system and when we had the first female apprentice we had to re-invent the wheel.<br />We were no longer allowed to be called Tradesmen they were ALL to be called tradespersons, No longer could we call it a man hole, it had to change to utility hole. So I told the Assistant manager don't talk to me about percentages. They did not remove the signs or modify them so I had no choice but to put a written complaint to the Anti-discrimation board about my disgust. Months later the signs were replaced modified and the "HE MIGHT BE ON YOUR SHOPPING LIST REMOVED". If it was the other way around you would have had a battalion of women complaining that the signs were sexist.<br />The trouble today is 95% of men don't stick up for<br />our rights, wherever you look there are Womens Action groups around fighting for their cause.<br />Don't ever bother going to a female politician with a complaint, you get no reply. Let your wife send the complaint and you will guarantee you will get a reply.<br />My final note is our politicians, typical male politicians look after male and female equally but a female politicians you have to be joking you draw your own conclusion.<br />All the mens action groups out there stand up for what you believe in never back down.<br />Phil

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#5384 Sat 29 May 2004 01:32:AM
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Nearly Exactly the same as the school system... In my sister's school, Logan Village State School, there are only 3 Full-TIme (if that) Male teachers, and ONE male fill-in. And she says she likes the male teahers better because the female techers yell and say GO TO THE OFFICE, like they are the parent, when the male teachers just talk to ya in a firm but not screaming voice. This is ridiculous. Now I'm not a 'Masculinist', but there is just too much inequality. Now it seems that man are not as good as women, which is not what the femiminists wanted, they wanted EQUALITY. The very few men's rights marches around the world are going the right way. Who is to say a father can't be as caring and loving as a mother? Who? Good on those guys in England that threw the powder filled condoms at Tony Blair, they were fighting for the rights to get equal rights in custody battles, in which case, you probably cant get an un-biased jury to hear the case. We need more equality, not the other way round!

#5385 Sat 29 May 2004 01:53:AM
MJ Williamson<br />Well said! You took the words out of my mouth.<br />This is a big problem, men being screwed by the Lawyers, the courts and the System and as MJ Williamson said these female school teachers!!, who in the hell do they think they are?.<br />Only months ago I complained to our School about the outrageous attitudes of one particular Female teacher, she also treated the high school kids like her Children, Yell and screamed at them. If a Male teacher did the same he would be sacked but this teacher gets away with it because she is protected by other female teachers.<br />Its time this all changes, be like Phil stand up for what you believe.

#5386 Sat 29 May 2004 02:42:AM
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Phil trust you to start stirring us women again. It's guys like you that deserve to get ripped off by a smarter women. Some of you guys deserve what you get and now that the Law is catching up with you, you's complain. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/default/grin.gif" /> I will say it Again and for others read my earlier post regarding the War in Iraq and all my other post, we need a Female Prime Minister, she will stop the rot against the US thugary in Iraq. A female Prime Minister Like Helen Clarke In NZ:D would reduce out Military, you tell me why do we need a huge military, Why its only to keep you mucho men in a Job. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" /> <br />For me the More Of you mucho's that get ripped off<br />the better. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/default/grin.gif" /> <br />Cathy <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/default/smile.gif" />

#5387 Sat 29 May 2004 03:41:AM
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Cathy's back?????<br />And nothing has changes you are full of shit.<br />Please click on the link below and tell me would you like Cathy or anyone like her as Australia's Prime Minister<br /><br />You have to be joking all men will be in Chains, its bitches like you that give men a bad name. Cathy I will say it again,,,,You hate the yanks and anything they do, now tell me AGAIN.. Cathy as our prime Minister, we have no Military because she has removed or reduced it We are not an ally of the US because she feels we don't need them. What in the Fuck would happen if Australia was ever involved in a conflict with no military like NZ is today?.<br />It shows me how stupid you are. Even an idiot with little knowledge on the Military can tell you that the US is our defacto military. In other words if we had no US to cover our limited arses Australia regardless if its Labor or Liberal would have to spend 50% of the budget on Military hardware and it shows you how dumb you are. Australia and Israel have two thing in common: A SMALL POPULATION. See Cathy is from Israel, tell me Cathy I bet you love Australia because we don't have conscription like Israel has. Yes Men and Women are conscripted in the Military in Israel, Is that what you want Cathy?, because this is what you will get.<br />We in Australia will have to re-introduce conscription for BOTH MALES and FEMALES again. Cathy FEMALES!!!!yes I'd love to see you in the Army with some Garlic breathing Drill Sergeant over the top of you ordering you what to do.<br />That would hurt.<br />You are so narrow minded<br />Phil

#5388 Sat 29 May 2004 05:28:AM
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Ha.. a female PM... reduscing the military... where are these unrealistic claims coming from? Why from our very own CathyB! If anyone.. even a male PM tried to reduce the military they would be kicked out of office. It would leave us defenceless, as well as putting ourselves on a sour note with a few of our allies like the US. The Female PM would probably cause world war three, and i don't say this as an overstated remark. How would we defend ourselves? With a few old men with guns? No we need thousands and thousands of troops, not hundreds. This is a world of war not peace, If ya can't beat them join them, and I sure as hell dont want to be an Iraqi

#5389 Sat 29 May 2004 05:36:AM
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P.S Good on those men throwing powder filled condoms at the british PM, they did it coz they want equal custody rights... good on em

#5390 Sun 30 May 2004 01:49:AM
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Could you imagine being married to Cathy

#5391 Sun 30 May 2004 04:32:AM
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Its a touchy subject this but the men always loose out,I don't know why? why do the Police Always believes a women over a man. and courts are no better, or better still women are better liars<br />George<br /> <br /> <small>[ 29. May 2004, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: George H ]</small>

#5392 Sun 30 May 2004 06:00:PM
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I agree George, For me when I sit down and watched the movie TITANIC and I see the ship sinking and one of the officers yells out "ONLY WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN THE LIFE BOATS" that makes me sick. For me only the Children should have been in the life boats with a crew member then an equal amount of Men and Women.<br />My mates laugh when I bring this up by the way, maybe they think we are like a CRAB you can only fish the male crabs not the Female.<br />For me those days are long gone so have<br />1/ giving a seat for a woman in a train or bus not unless she is old or if I feel like it if she is 9 months Pregnant.<br />2/Never help them put air or check the oil in their car at the service station.<br />3/ I have been asked to change a tyre, NEVER this should be a condition of getting your licence, to be able to change a tyre on your vehicle<br />Also as Cathy said in another post about "Men! Keep you hands to yourselves" I don't trust them. I teach people at home how to use Computers and the Internet I always ask will the Husband be present if not I bring my wife, why? as Cathy said she might need her mortgage paid for. Its always your word against hers and the cops always believe<br />hers and thats the bottom line.<br />Its sad we have to do this but you all have to.<br />All I have to say is next time you get asked to do Jury duty DO IT!!! and you will see why, Full of cases of the Above.<br />And since I'm talking about Jury Duty I finished 4 weeks of it not long ago, about 250 people were called up and out of that there were about 80 men, is that equal??<br />And to piss me off and I should have complained about it, when you get called up they give you heaps of paperwork what to do and what not to do, and they also show you a comic photo of the jurors sitting in the panel, WHAT A JOKE, MOST ARE WOMEN!!<br />Its a pity I put it in the bin months ago as I would have given you the exact amount.<br />Times will change<br />Phil

#5393 Mon 31 May 2004 12:50:AM
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Yes we can only hope, and Cathy, you didn't answer my question. Are you a feminist, because you sure sound like one.

#5394 Mon 31 May 2004 02:02:AM
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This is another example of male stupidity, My Friends mother has been trying to sell her house but the idiots across the road decide to chuck burn outs and leave tyre marks across the road which looks bad for any new buyers so what happens? She got the services of a Female Lawyer and successfully sued them for compensation, see as she explained to me and my brother very clearly if a neighbour does anything to stop or resist a sale of any dwelling the owner of the house for sale can sue for compensation. Some of you guys out there would love to sued by a female.<br />MJ, I belong to 2 female action groups but mainly I'm devoting my time to the removal of firearms from you macho men (coalition for gun control)<br />A perfect Australia: <br />Female PM, Most ministers Female, A very small Military and very limited ownership of firearms by civilians, mainly men<br />Cathy and the crew

#5395 Mon 31 May 2004 02:30:AM
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A, Women chuck burnouts too<br />B, Not all men like burnouts in the middle of the night.<br />C, A male lawyer can do just as good as job as a female one, perhaps better.<br />D, If there was a man that was in your house trying to (for example) kill you, or maybe something worse, what would you have to protect yourself? No doubt he/SHE would have a gun. Of course i'm thinking you would say call the police, but in 9/10 cases, the police are much too slow. There is no choice but to prtect yourself, that is also the reason we have a bigger military than little new zealand.. who would want to invade NZ anyway? Might they be a little low on Lamb? And not all men have guns.<br />AND E, Female Action Groups.... what do ya do, just stuff around drinking wine saying hey i reckon that because this sign says mens toilets, they should put Person's toilet. The day there is a female PM in Australia will be the day the world ends as we know it. Not A perfect Australia, not perfect australia all

#5396 Mon 31 May 2004 03:43:AM
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I can't stop laughing<br />could you imagine???<br />1/ Cathy as our PM<br />2/ The yanks not our ally<br />3/ No Military in Aus<br />4/ John Howard and Cathys policy, for Gun control<br />5/ Get out the sling shots<br />6/ Help! !<br /> <br /> <small>[ 30. May 2004, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: P Debono ]</small>

#5397 Mon 31 May 2004 04:03:AM
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Lol, cathy as pm would probably let the invaders in, just to avoid actually doing something forceful, I can just imagine it. "Oh come on terrorists, come in and bomb us, we don't have a military to stop you, let alone guns!"

#5398 Tue 01 Jun 2004 04:35:PM
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Cathy please point me to the law link web site (law link has all of the court proceedings that happen in NSW ALL of them) case you are talking about as I could not find it at <br />Or are you just making it up as it sound like bullshit.<br />My reason is <br />1. If someone done a burnout in the street it could increase the value of the street to other like morons would it not . Why would in decrease the value does it not depend on the point of view of the seller <br />2. And how could you prove that she done the burnout just to hinder the sale I don’t think we have mind reading machines yet!<br />3. And did she get booked by the police for doing this burn out <br />4. Could doing a burnout be consider as Free Speech statement <br /><br />I find it hard to understand a judge awarding compensation on what you have told me <br /><br /><br />I don’t do burnouts or would like them in my street, but Cathy sometimes child you are so full of shit you must be a lonely boring person to have to invent dribble like this just so you can have a conversation I feel sorry for you

#5399 Wed 02 Jun 2004 02:04:AM
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Jason:<br /><strong> Cathy please point me to the law link web site (law link has all of the court proceedings that happen in NSW ALL of them) case you are talking about as I could not find it at <br />Or are you just making it up as it sound like bullshit.<br />My reason is <br />1. If someone done a burnout in the street it could increase the value of the street to other like morons would it not . Why would in decrease the value does it not depend on the point of view of the seller <br />2. And how could you prove that she done the burnout just to hinder the sale I don’t think we have mind reading machines yet!<br />3. And did she get booked by the police for doing this burn out <br />4. Could doing a burnout be consider as Free Speech statement <br /><br />I find it hard to understand a judge awarding compensation on what you have told me <br /><br /><br />I don’t do burnouts or would like them in my street, but Cathy sometimes child you are so full of shit you must be a lonely boring person to have to invent dribble like this just so you can have a conversation I feel sorry for you </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Jason<br />Are you off your rocker?<br />You said it was a she, it was a He that did the Burnout in front of my friends house, another thing that I didn't tell you he was charged by the police. The lady owner of the house for sale asked the Real estate agent what are the people visiting the house commenting on? two have said they don't like the idea of the hoons across the road and remember Mr Jason if 100 prospective buyers come to a house only one or two will like the idea of hoons chucking burnouts outside a house which you might be trying to purchase.<br />When you ask the agent why its not selling and he tells you why twice in a month and the agent puts it on paper the problem with the people across the road is affecting the sale.<br />YOU TELL ME WHO ON THIS FORUM WOULD LIKE THE ABOVE TO HAPPEN TO THEM?.<br />Only an idiot uses his correct email address and State on any forum, where do you live Jason?. <br />I bet Jason chucks burnouts, thats why he is so touchy!!<br />Cathy

#5400 Wed 02 Jun 2004 03:33:AM
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im not touchy you child just think you are full of shit weres the link to the so called court case for what you dribbled ? this was the point i was making that you are full of shit <br /><br />and how much money did your friend get a big 0 i <br />bet <br /><br />what was he charged with ?<br /><br />Can i see a copy of this Defamation of character that the real estate agent has produced it make for a good court case <br /> <br />you are not the only one who has a solictor in the family so i know when you are full of shit <br />and i knew it was a he just want to get a bite from you and i did <br /><br />a bit hard to a burnout in a 4x4 <br /><br />there must be a lot of idiots on this forum as there are lot of valid email and states here maybe its just that we are not cowards like you do you think?

#5401 Wed 02 Jun 2004 03:43:AM
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Shit!<br />Gone for a little while and it's turned to a shit fight. Some how the topic has gone off track, it's about what happens to Men and the courts and how us guys out there are getting screwed by the system.<br />ALL YOU GUYS OUT THERE<<< DON'T SAY IT CANT HAPPEN TO YOU, BECAUSE IT DOES!<br />Phil

#5402 Wed 02 Jun 2004 03:51:AM
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Jason<br />Do you honestly think she would give it to you if it existed.<br />Phil

#5403 Wed 02 Jun 2004 03:54:AM
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Cathy <br />I have noticed that you go out of your way to upset someone on this forum around every "28 DAYS" What is it , Hummmmmm I wonder

#5404 Wed 02 Jun 2004 04:04:AM
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Lol, yes

#5405 Wed 02 Jun 2004 05:06:PM
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Ha good one Phill <br /><br />i think this cathy is full of BS we might here from here in another 28 days

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