The problem is Satfreak that TV+ don't have the necessary software, it seems, to set up and download the channel auth's, SDT's... into the Mentor STB31x0's. They should invest their effort in getting the old TARBS STU's working, if they want to have a chance in hell to start up shop soon.<br />This talk of encryption of the channels...There is no way in the world they can use MDS when they don't even have the set up necessary to update the mentor STB's.<br />UBI has "stumbled across" a left over TARBS owned copy of the software development platform. Fat load of good that's doing em as they cannot quite drive it properly <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/default/wink.gif" /> Mind you, at least they have it :|<br />Subscribers with newer STB3110 have now absolutely NO chance of previewing the TV+ line up as the box’s don’t get the channel auth’s downloaded. Most of the STB3100’s work if FTA mode. Yes, STB3100 does work in pure FTA.<br />…back to my point. If TV+ and others don’t concentrate on getting people with ALL ex TARBS STU’s working ASAP, they will most certainly and unfortunately lose the race. :~(