...If this is correct and Pink Plus has signed exclusive rights, then that’s the stupidest thing they could have done!<br />Idiots don't realise that UBI can tell them to get stuffed when TV+ goes under, and I have a suspicion it is not as strong as UBI (unfortunately).<br /><br />I hope Pink misses out on business in the near future, if nothing then to teach them a lesson, that is if this exclusive deal is true. If BN is stupid enough to follow suite then the same fate I wish to them.<br /><br />I am disgusted in both UBI and TV+!!! These threats to channel providers to sign exclusive rights are stupid and yes, they both did it. I think from memory UBI started it, not that that maters now.<br /><br />But, you know what? We are the biggest losers!!! Now it’s up to us to voice our disgust at what the providers are doing. Trust me folk, we will pay for this, no one else!<br /><br /><br />…food for thought!